Sunday, February 3, 2008

Online Exercises for The Bedford Reader

Ah, time to update the old blog...
For those of you who have not tried to log on and do the online exercises on The Bedford Reader website, here is the scoop:

From here, click on The Bedford Reader link on the left. The first time, you will be asked to register as a student. Simply fill in your name and email address. It will then ask you for an instructor link. This is so I can view your results online, thereby saving reams of notebook paper, and hopefully, my eyesight. You will type That's right. My first initial and my last name without the last letter.

Then go to Exercise Central and click on chapter 5: Concrete and Specific Language. Two of the exercises just ask you to pick the correct sentence. The third exercise asks you to rewrite the sentence in the blank box. You can see your results immediately, and you can redo the exercises until you are satisfied with the results. We will be doing these for each chapter as we work our way through the book.

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